Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Christmas crafting

Ok...this year I have a slight obsession with vintage style paper ornaments, especially the honeycombe ones, so take a look at the offerings below:
Turkey ornaments from Apartment Therapy

DIY Paper ornaments at
Reindeer decoration at Cath Kidson

I'm quite chuffed I found the DIY info on, so may give that a try if I have a spare hour before the festivities start.

Here are some other beautiful DIY creations:
Book tree tutorial at Creativetrials
DIY Christmas Decorations from Kim Vallee

DIY decorations from

So get crafting, and enjoy!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Hello again

Hi guys

Firstly I want to apologise for my lack of blogging for 4 months (thats awful), and secondly to tell you whats been happening.

Since moving into our new house rental in June, we have struggled to make it feel like home. We're not sure why, it just hasn't felt like us yet. We sterted on the dining area first and managed to make it slighty retro which I loved, and then that blank living room wall had us stumped! Our new sofas arrived in Septmeber which just made it more blah as they're the same biscuit colour as that blank wall. Although, the sofas are lovely and cosy and soft. Christmas has allowed us to inject some colour back in to the room with the tree and we now have an accent colour of burgundy with new curtains, throw and cushions. ......I think we might finally be getting there, although, still nothing on the wall.

We lost our beloved little cat Truffle in late September. One night she went out as usual and never came back. We called around all vets, posted fliers, asked around, but no info turned up. She was my little baby and I miss her so much, I still dream of her every night. She was so loving and full of life. We hope someone has taken her in and given her a good home. And we know that while she was with us, we gave her all the love and comfort a cat could want.

A big reason I've been away from Pipinopolis is that in mid August I found I was pregnant. It came as a shock because, even though we had been trying, I had been in so much pain with my ovaries and having so many tests done that I felt something must be wrong. I went into A&E one evening with severe pain in sides again and from a urine sample, they then told me I was pregnant. It such a shock, and they were worried it might be eptopic, so we had to wait until I was 6 weeks along before they spotted a tiny little heartbeat on a scan.  I am now at 21 weeks. just gone halfway, and the baby is doing well. I am on medication for depression, so they are monitoring me and the baby to check that everything goes well. 

Morning sickness was awful! I could barely eat and felt so depressed. I didn't pick up any crafts for months, and have just started to look at them again. I closed Pipinopolis on Folksy as I just couldn't concentrate sewing. Migranes have also been a bad symptom and has kept me away from the PC a lot. But enough complaining, I'm feeling a lot better now and am back. So what has everyone else been up to?