Monday, 16 November 2009

Craft Fayre

Well, the craft Fayre was on Saturday, not too bad. It wasn't very busy as the weather was awful on the coast, but I did make a few sales! What an eye opener, I only sold my felt foods. Not one person bought a bag, stocking or doll. So at least I know whet people will part with their cash for. I am now making felt cakes like mad after work as I've booked in for another fayre on 5th December. I'm kind of glad they're selling as I have so much fun making these and they don't take up too much time.

My mum has taken my stock of dolls and is going to display them at a local event near her home. Maybe they'll sell a little better there. I do feel like I've got a mental block on ideas for the cakes though, which is bugging me as I like creating wonderful designs. I'm keeping my eyes out for inspiration everywhere!!!

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